Led by an experienced preschool specialist, MathPlay Mini offers children the opportunity to play well-developed games that help broaden math skills, improve problem-solving skills, and enhance communication skills. Recent studies have shown that a child’s math skills upon entering kindergarten can be a strong predictor of future academic performance in both math and reading throughout the elementary grades. Math learning promotes working memory, improves attention, and increases other basic cognitive skills.
Engage your preschoolers in playful activities to help them develop a strong foundation in math. Children will participate in songs, stories, and activities tied to a different theme each week. Patterns, shapes, numbers, and more — MathPlay Mini is a great way to enrich your child’s day with mathematical inspiration.
After you register for your 30-minute session, you will be sent a link and instructions so you may join the fun through a video conferencing platform.
Play with Shapes (3-year-olds)
What can children create from shapes like crescents and trapezoids? An angry bull? A fantastic fish? Kids will explore images they can make while learning the names of polygons and non-polygons.
Materials needed: activity sheets to be provided (to print prior to session), one marker or crayon, two sheets of copy paper, and one glue stick.
Register online at